EE IIT Dharwad

    Department of

      Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering

  Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad

Upcoming Events


About PESGRE 2025:

IEEE PESGRE is the biennial flagship Conference of IEEE Kerala Section, IEEE IA/IE/PELS Joint Chapter Kerala and IEEE Industry Applications Society. IEEE Industry Applications Society, IEEE Kerala Section, and IA/IE/PELS Jt. Chapter Kerala are financial co-sponsors. The technical co-sponsors of the conference include IEEE Power Electronics Society, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, and IEEE Power & Energy Society. The theme of the conference is “Power Electronics and Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development” and will be held from 18-21 December 2025 at Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad, Dharwad, Hubli, Karnataka, India.


To know more about PESGRE 2025: Click Here


To Be Announced

Past Events

Department Colloquium Series

The Colloquium Talk 1:

Title: Wide Tuning-Range VCOs Using Multi-Mode Resonators
Speaker: Prof. Nagendra Krishnapura
Venue: A1-327 (Seminar Hall)
Time: 0930 to 1030 Hrs
Date: 31st Jan. 2024
Abstract and Speaker Biography: Link


The Colloquium Talk 2:

Title: Bandit Optimization on Discrete and Continuous Decision Spaces: An Introduction
Speaker: Prof. Sanjay P Bhat
Venue: A1-327 (Seminar Hall)
Time: 1030 to 1130 Hrs
Date: 31st Jan. 2024
Abstract and Speaker Biography: Link


The Colloquium Talk 3:

Title: Inverters for drives and grid-tied applications
Speaker: Prof. K Gopakumar
Venue: A1-327 (Seminar Hall)
Time: 1500 to 1600 Hrs
Date: 31st Jan. 2024

Abstract and Speaker Biography: Link


The Third Edition of VIVRITI: Annual 3-Minute Research Seminar Competition

The Department of Electrical, Electronics, and Communication Engineering at IIT Dharwad proudly hosted the third edition of VIVRITI: The Annual 3-Minute Research Seminar Competition, on 10th January.

This year’s event was special, featuring Video presentation tracks introduced for the first time in addition to the Live Presentations. Adding further value to the event, we hosted two expert talks:

  • Prof. Vaibhav Katewa from IISc Bangalore gave a talk on “Intelligent Control of Networked Cyber-Physical Systems”
  • Dr. Anand Mukhopadhyay from Mathworks gave a talk on “System Level Design Using Simulink Towards Auto Code Generation”


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our sponsors, Lattice Semiconductors and MATLAB, for their generous support in making this event a grand success.

Workshop: Embedded System Design Using FPGA

Agenda: This session will provide an in-depth exploration of the integration and application of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and embedded ARM processors within modern embedded design systems. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of FPGA SoC device architectures and the principles of hardware-software co-design. The session will also cover the Linux development workflow, focusing on Yocto compilation and advanced customization techniques. Additionally, practical demonstrations will be conducted, showcasing real-world applications and design implementations on hardware boards through established programming workflows. This session aims to bridge theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience, offering valuable insights into cutting-edge embedded system design methodologies.

Registration form link

Place: IITDh, CIF, Room no: 106
Date: 11th January 2025
Time: 1:15 PM – 5:00 PM
For any queries: 

Workshop: HDL Code generation workflows for FPGA

Agenda: This workshop will begin with a comprehensive Introduction to HDL workflows, followed by practical Examples highlighting FPGA and SoC applications in signal processing and control. Participants will engage in hands-on Demos, focusing on VHDL/Verilog HDL code generation and verification techniques. The session will then delve into Advanced Topics, exploring strategies for optimizing digital architectures and efficient HDL generation. The workshop will conclude with an interactive Q&A session to address participant queries and encourage discussion.  

Registration form link

Note: Attendees should have previous experience working with MATLAB and Simulink and calling MATLAB functions. Learn MATLAB and Simulink with self-paced courses at

Place: IITDh, CIF, Room no: 106
Date: 11th January 2025
Time: 10 AM – 12 PM
For any queries: 

Partial Power Energy Processing – A New Toolbox for Efficient DC Microgrids:

Abstract: In recent years, interest in the partial and differential power processing approaches has increased among both academic and industrial researchers. This technology was demonstrated in a broad range of applications, including but not limited to photovoltaic (PV) systems, both string and PV module levels, battery energy storage systems, dc data centers, electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, etc. However, despite the rising number of publications and availability of several review papers, the literature stays ignorant of many practical issues in the application of this technology. Therefore, this lecture provides a critical overview of the existing solutions, compares them regarding practical applications, and discusses critical issues like protection and controllability. The lecture provides practical examples of benefits of partial power processing use in dc microgrids. Considering their wide applicability, the partial power converters could be considered a new toolbox for implementing dc microgrids with ultimate power processing efficiency. 

Date: 13th December 2024
Time: 2:30 PM onwards
Venue: CLT, Room 313
Google Meet Link:
Poster: Partial Power Energy Processing – A New Toolbox for Efficient DC Microgrids

Speaker Bio: Andrii Chub (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electronic Systems from Chernihiv State Technological University, Ukraine, in 2008 and 2009, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, in 2016.

He was a Visiting Research Fellow with Kiel University in 2017 and a Postdoctoral Researcher with Federico Santa Maria Technical University from 2018 to 2019. He is currently a Senior Researcher with the Power Electronics Group, Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics, Tallinn University of Technology.

He has co-authored over 200 articles and several book chapters on power electronics and applications and holds several patents and utility models. His research interests include advanced dc-dc converter topologies, renewable energy conversion systems, energy-efficient buildings, reliability, and fault-tolerance of power electronic converters.

He is the Chair of the Estonian IES/PELS/IAS/PES Joint Chapter, the Secretary of the IEEE Estonia Section, and an Associate Editor of the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics. He was the general co-chair of the IEEE CPE-POWERENG 2023 and will serve as the general co-chair of the IEEE ICDCM 2025 that will take place on June 4-6, 2025, in Tallinn, Estonia.

In 2024, he received Estonian National Research Award in Technical Sciences. He is included in the Stanford University List of “Top 2% Most Influential Scientists (Single Year).” He received numerous best paper awards from IEEE conferences and the 2017 IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Best Conference Paper Award (among all conferences of the IEEE IES). 

Skill Development Program on Research and Publications:

Objective: The workshop on Skill Development in Research and Publications aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of essential skills for effective research and academic publishing. It covers key areas such as writing research grant proposals, research paper and review article writing, journal indexing, and ethical considerations. Interactive sessions with experts will focus on mastering grant proposals, crafting high-quality research papers, and utilizing AI tools in research. Additionally, it aims to develop time management skills and prepare participants for future roles as PhD guides.

Type: Online Winter Course

Dates: 16-20 December 2024 

Registration fees and Details: Brochure Link

CEFIPRA Lecture Series:

Description: Ferromagnetic materials are used in a wide range of applications such as sensors, actuators, motors or transformers. Their main property of interest is their capability to reach high magnetization levels when subjected to an external magnetic field of relatively low intensity. The mechanical state strongly influences the magnetic response of ferromagnetic materials and must therefore be accounted for when designing electromagnetic devices. In this presentation, a model describing the effect of time-varying magneto-mechanical loadings on magnetic behaviour will be introduced. The model combines a vector play model and an anhysteretic multiscale approach. It is applied to a polycrystalline low-carbon steel (DC04). Modelling parameters are identified from uniaxial measurements only and the model is further validated under complex uniaxial magneto-elastic loading conditions, different from those used for parameter identification. These include simultaneous variations of magnetic field and stress. The proposed approach is the first multiaxial magneto-elastic hysteresis model able to describe the response of a magnetic material to simultaneously varying magnetic field and stress and validated under such loading conditions.

Venue: CLT, Permanent Campus, IIT Dharwad

Can be attended online at: GMeet Link

Date: 21 November 2024, 6 pm

Details: Brochure Link

Faculty Development Program:

Faculty Development Program on “Full Custom Design and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Design Flow” was successfully conducted by Dr. Nagaveni, Assistant Professor, EECE, at IIT dhArwaD in collaboration with #CoreEL on 25th and 26th June 2024.

Day-1 highlighted a Technical Workshop on FPGA design Flow using PynqZ2, with Day-2 featuring Analog Integrated Circuit (IC) design flow using Mentor Graphics

Workshop: Design and Analysis of Magnetics for Electric Power Applications


Magnetic Components such as inductors, transformers, motors and generators are an integral part of all electric systems. Advancements in design and development of new materials have supported improvements spanning sustainable power, electric transportation and consumer electronics. This workshop consists of interactive sessions on the latest advances in Magnetics with leading academic and industry experts, covering analytical methods, simulation (Finite Element Analysis), and experimental design. This workshop is supported by the Technology Innovation Hub (TiHAN), IIT Hyderabad, Power and Energy Group, Dept of Electrical Electronics and Communication Engineering, IIT Dharwad, and the IEEE Student Branch at IIT Dharwad.


Dr. Abhijit Kshirsagar:

Dr. Sai Ram Boggavarapu:

Invited Talk

Presentation Topics:

(a) Comprehensive Trap Characterization and TCAD Physics-based Simulation Studies for  microwave GaN-based HEMTs. 

(b) Thermal characterization and simulation of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs.
Speakers: Prof. Jean-Christophe NALLATAMBY and Dr. Raphael SOMMET,  XLIM Laboratory, University of Limoges, UMR CNRS 7252, France
Date / Time: 20th August (Tuesday), 10 AM to 11.15 AM
Venue: A1 Building, Room no. 327


We are thrilled to share the memorable moments from our recent convocation ceremony. It was a day filled with pride, accomplishment and celebration as our graduates marked a significant milestone in their academic journeys. This convocation, the department awarded 51 BTech degrees, 6 MS degrees and 5 PhD degrees.


The research students of the Dept. of Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering organized a 3-minute research seminar competition – Vivriti’24 on 11th Jan. 2024. In this event, the participants give 3 minute talks about their research, pitched to a general audience.


The research students of the Dept. of Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering organized a 3-minute research seminar competition – Vivriti’23 on 18th Jan. 2023. In this event, the participants give 3 minute talks about their research, pitched to a general audience.


We are thrilled to share the memorable moments from our recent convocation ceremony. It was a day filled with pride, accomplishment and celebration as our graduates marked a significant milestone in their academic journeys.